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The Sad Mentality of Marriage Today

30 January 2014

The other day, I was minding my own business, doing some work, catching up on my DVR'd shows, when all of a sudden, this David's Bridal commercial came on.

I'm going to be very honest right now.  It's just my opinion, but this commercial really upset me.  Usually, commercials don't upset me because I know I've seen some ridiculous commercials that are purposely made to get attention.  I'm between being at a loss of words, and completely going off about this commercial.

Being a wedding photographer, I see too often weddings only being viewed as an industry.  This mentality saddens me greatly.  A wedding is not all about the bride and the most important thing to her is not (or shouldn't be) her dress.  The groom is not a "cog in the wheel".  A wedding is about a couple choosing to commit themselves to each other for the rest of their lives before God and their family.  A wedding is just the beginning.  It's what starts a marriage.  In reality, your wedding day is a monumental, but quick moment in your life.  You spend months and months planning, and before you know it, it's over.  What you are left with is knowing that you have married your best friend; the person God intended for you.

When Scott and I married, I didn't care about my dress.  I literally bought the 2nd dress I tried on.  It just wasn't what mattered to me.  What mattered to me was knowing that I was marrying a man who's first desire was (and is to this day) to lead me to heaven.  A man that I knew wanted to take care of me, uplift me, rejoice with me, dream with me, and live through all the ups and downs of life with me.  A man that understands that loving somebody can take work; yet has never once made me feel that loving me is work.

I think we need to see more of that in this world.  Not the idea that a marriage doesn't matter and it's all about the dress.

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