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Happy Birthday, Hailey

19 June 2012

Today, my niece turns 6!  It’s something I can’t believe.  Her birthday marks a very special time in Scott and my relationship.  You see, she was born 5 days before our wedding.  Because of this, Scott and I got to be there for her birth.  I got to be at her brother’s birth in 2000 before I moved, and living in Ohio I never would have imagined being at her birth, but I am so thankful that I was able to be.  Hailey was the first baby Scott ever held and the only other baby he held before Alexander was born.  I’ll never forget his face the first time he held her.  It was both a mixture of fear and awe.  She even made it to our wedding!



Is that not the most precious “football” my daddy has ever carried? 

Now, she’s 6 and growing beyond belief.  She has her momma’s attitude (good luck, Melinda), but the biggest heart.  Alexander’s adores his cousins and constantly talks about Jamison and Hailey.  They send videos to each other and Face time as often as possible.  They’re his best friends, even though they live so far away.


Even though we live far away, we love you Hailey and hope you have the best birthday a 6 year old could ever have. 


Aunt Laura

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