Today's post has absolutely nothing to with photography and everything to do with life. I must start by saying that I absolutely hat to clean with a passion. Even though I hate cleaning, messiness makes me anxious. Well, NOBODY wants to see my house right now. Alexander was so sick last week. You don't even want to know how much vomit I've cleaned up lately. Seriously. Not a good mental picture. With Alexander sick, our puppy having her spay surgery, Scott working 70 hours a week and me working and trying to start a photography business, something had to give and it was our house. I feel like I'm going to start hyperventilating just thinking about it. I'm sitting here typing away on my computer staring around our family room and it's driving me crazy.
There has been a lot of talk on other blogs that I've read about an ebook called, "31 Day to Clean" by Sarah Mae. Her name alone was reason enough for me to buy the book since we're both Mae's. It's really her approach to cleaning though that captured my attention. I won't even try to explain it, I'll just insert this here video :)
Here's to me praying that I'll do a better job of keeping my house presentable. I feel like I have homework now to do.
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